
Minister for Agriculture Adam Marshall supports Animal Rights Terrorists

Mark Banasiak has schooled the Minister for Agriculture after he requested an inquiry into the exhibition of exotic animals in circuses and the exhibition of cetaceans.

Minister for Agriculture Adam Marshall has revealed his true agenda in a letter to Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party MLC Mark Banasiak, in which he requests an inquiry into the exhibition of exotic animals in circuses and the exhibition of cetaceans.

“We know that Mr Marshall has no empathy for the agricultural sector. This letter has verified that.

“The flow on effect of this inquiry into rural communities will see the banning of country shows and rodeos and indeed any exhibition of any animals.

“Mr Marshall has grossly underestimated what the impact of an inquiry like this could be, particularly in regional and rural electorates like that of his own, the Northern Tablelands.

“The Minister is showing his true colours, and they are green, just like his Liberal bosses in the city.

“To be Minister for Agriculture you should have a thorough understanding of Agriculture and put the interests of farmers and rural communities ahead of dirty political deals, Marshall is obviously out of his league and has no back bone at all and it shows in this letter. “He is obviously running an agenda that is in direct contradiction to his portfolio.

“First, he did nothing to deter animal rights terrorists from invading farms, and now he is continuing his and this governments animal rights agenda by seeking this inquiry into the exhibition of exotic animals in circuses and cetaceans.

“The joy and knowledge that these circuses and exhibitions bring to people, particularly children, all over Australia would cease, not to mention the flow on effects for rural and regional towns and economies.

“I call on his leader John Barilaro to sack him as Minister,” said Mr Banasiak.

For Mark Banasiak’s Parliamentary media release .

/Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party Public Release. View in full .