Minister for Primary Industries and Water Jo Palmer has created a salmon plan where salmon farmers will be forced to operate blindfolded.
In Budget Estimates today, Minister Palmer strangely said she knew her salmon plan was balanced because almost everybody was unhappy about it.
And during Estimates yesterday, Minister Palmer couldn’t explain what she expected of industry with moving more inshore or offshore, offering nothing but uncertainty and limiting productivity for this great industry.
Wouldn’t a ‘good’ Salmon Plan be one that you worked hard to create and resulted in most people being happy about it and that it provided a clear vision for the future?
Instead the minority Liberal Government chose to put a moratorium on the industry, bent at the knees to minority interest groups and created a plan that has caused further division and greater uncertainty and angst in the community and salmon industry.
The salmon industry is one of Tasmania’s greatest success stories and instead of celebrating and working with industry, the Minister has hamstrung any attempts for them to continue to innovate and grow.
Minister Palmer will impose full cost recovery on the salmon industry from July 1, but she can’t answer the most basic of questions to alleviate their concerns with only three weeks to go.
Minister Palmer has set the bar so low and has missed an incredible opportunity to work with industry and create a positive plan that is future focused.
Janie Finlay MP
Shadow Minister for Primary Industries and Water