The quarterly recall figures for Takata airbags reveal steady progress is being made in the recall but the ACCC is warning motorists not to become complacent.
As at 31 March 2019 around 2.1 million (69 per cent) of vehicles have been rectified leaving around 734,000 (24 per cent) of vehicles remaining.
Around 192,000 (seven per cent) of vehicles have been identified by manufacturers as written off, unregistered for more than two consecutive years, exported, scrapped, stolen or modified and unable to have the airbag replaced.
“We urge motorists who have received recall notifications from their car manufacturer to act now to arrange for a replacement which is free of charge,” ACCC Deputy Chair Delia Rickard said.
“Our biggest concern is that there are around 12,000 vehicles that are identified as critically requiring repair, including more than 8,800 containing the most dangerous type of ‘alpha ‘ airbag. The alpha airbag can have up to a 50 per cent chance of misdeployment if triggered in an incident. These cars pose a serious and heightened safety risk and should not be driven.”
Figure 1. Recall progress over time
Recall progress data as at 31 March 2019.
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- Note: The information above includes fully rectified vehicles only (it excludes vehicles fitted with like-for-like replacements that will require future replacement). In Australia the first voluntary recall commenced in 2009; however, the graph starts from 2015 when the number of recalls began to increase as more vehicle manufacturers initiated recalls.
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