The ACT Government is continuing in its commitment to providing support for people with eating disorders with a new early intervention service to start in early 2023.
CatholicCare has been selected to provide the new early intervention service for eating disorders.
Opening in February 2023, the service will deliver early intervention treatment and encourage help-seeking behaviour for people in the early stages of developing an eating disorder and those with an eating disorder of low to moderate severity.
Minister for Mental Health Emma Davidson said the service would improve patient outcomes and reduce demand on specialist and acute inpatient services.
“We know people with eating disorders often do not seek help, with only an estimated 5 to 15 per cent of people with eating disorders accessing treatment,” said Minister Davidson.
“Those who do seek treatment often do so between 4 and 10 years after the onset of the disorder, meaning they usually require more intensive specialist support and acute care.
“The early intervention service will deliver targeted support at a crucial time to ensure Canberrans with an eating disorder and disordered eating behaviours get the help they need.”
The ACT Government has provided $230,000 in annual funding for CatholicCare to deliver the service, with the Commonwealth Government matching funding for the next four years.
The service is a part of the wider expansion of public health services for eating disorders including the ACT Eating Disorders Specialist Clinical Hub, which ensures the delivery of consistent and integrated care.