Seven local councils across metropolitan Adelaide will share in $1.19 million for innovative environmental projects through Green Adelaide’s new Cooler, Greener, Wilder Grants Program.
The new grant program supports metropolitan councils to undertake projects that will deliver greening outcomes and that incorporate water-sensitive and biodiversity-sensitive urban design principles.
Successful projects include a sustainable upgrade of a Port Adelaide residential street, continuation of biodiversity corridors in Pasadena and Holdfast Bay, and a green transformation of four intersecting streets within Renown Park.
A great example is a City of Port Adelaide Enfield project that will create a cooler, greener and more resilient streetscape on a residential street in Queenstown.
This project will combine water-sensitive design through permeable paving, greening by planting canopy trees, shrubs and understorey, and biodiversity-sensitive design through the creation of a vegetation corridor.
To view more details about the recipients of the Cooler, Greener, Wilder Grants Program head to .
The successful projects are:
*City of Port Adelaide Enfield – A greener, cooler, and more resilient streetscape, Victoria St, Queenstown
*City of Holdfast Bay – The final piece of the Holdfast Bay Warriparri biodiversity corridor, Shannon Avenue
*City of Marion – Alawoona Reserves raingarden, Mitchell Park
*City of Charles Sturt – Living streets, Renown Park
*City of Mitcham – Smart stormwater and biodiversity, Pasadena
*City of Adelaide – The Creek of Cultural Connection, eastern parklands
*City of Salisbury – Railway corridor rehabilitation, Pooraka
As put by Susan Close
Our local governments already play a vital role in on-ground works for local environments and this additional funding is allowing for new and innovative projects to come to life.
This is significant in the holistic opportunity that it provides in projects contributing to our vision of a cooler, greener, wilder and more climate-resilient Adelaide.
As put by Chris Daniels, Presiding Member, Green Adelaide
Applications were ranked on their ability to integrate urban greening, water-sensitive urban design and biodiversity-sensitive urban design outcomes, and the seven successful projects showed a thoughtful approach to achieving in all of these areas.
The program will help councils elevate their already significant contributions to environmental works.