
More than $780,000 in Aboriginal land clean up funding

NSW Environment Protection Authority

Eleven Local Aboriginal Land Councils have been awarded a total of $782,902 for community waste projects that clean-up and prevent illegal dumping on their land.

Eden, La Perouse, Moama, Toomelah, Biraban, Karuah, Deniliquin, Gandangara, Wamba Wamba, Brewarrina and Coonabarabran Local Aboriginal Land Councils will receive funding as part of the latest round of the Aboriginal Land Clean Up and Prevention (ALCUP) program by the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA).

Cleaning up reserves and campgrounds, removing caravans and chemical containers, building fences and stopping illegal access to dumping hot spots are among the planned ALCUP projects and clean-up activities.

EPA Executive Director Engagement, Education and Programs Liesbet Spanjaard said all the grant recipients look forward to restoring and protecting their land.

“Illegal dumping of waste is an all too prevalent problem. These grants can help Local Aboriginal Land Councils take steps to tackle the issue.

“The successful programs have already had a positive impact on protecting cultural and natural resources from illegal dumping.

“Previously the program across the state has funded clean-up work, surveillance cameras, deterrence signage, education and awareness programs, and bush regeneration.

“Since 2006, the program has seen more than 6,000 tonnes of waste cleaned up, with over 1,300 tonnes of waste safely disposed of at landfills and more than 1,700 tonnes of materials recycled.”

/Public Release.