Planning Scheme Amendment C286morn proposes to apply permanent, mandatory building design controls to the Ocean Beach Road Commercial Precinct in Sorrento to protect and enhance the valued character, heritage and amenity of the area.
The built form controls that currently apply (called interim DDO28) are due to expire on 31 July 2023.
We received great feedback on the proposed amendment as part of the public exhibition from July to October last year.
To ensure sufficient time is available to investigate the issues raised in submissions, on 4 April 2023, Council resolved to request that the Minister for Planning extend the expiry date of the interim Design and Development Overlay – Schedule 28 (DDO28) by 12 months.
This will ensure that mandatory built form and design controls remain in place for the Ocean Beach Road Commercial Precinct while Amendment C286morn is progressed.
You can view the minutes and officer report with recommendations, as well as a recording of the meeting at .
Once the further investigation of issues raised in submissions has been finalised, a report will be brought to a future Council meeting recommending whether to refer Amendment C286morn and submissions to an independent Planning Panel for review and recommendations.