
Murray-Darling Basin Royal Commission

The South Australian Government has today published the Murray-Darling Basin Royal Commission Report.

The 746-page report makes 44 recommendations, 111 findings, and contains complex legal and water policy issues.

“The Report largely focuses on events, actions and decisions which occurred during a period when the Liberal Party did not hold office in South Australia,” said Premier Steven Marshall.

“Accordingly, my government will not provide a rushed response. To do so would not serve the interests of South Australians.

“The Department of Premier and Cabinet has been directed to co-ordinate the preparation of the South Australian Government response to the Report as a basis for pursuing discussion with the Federal Government and other Basin States.

“Today I will also write to the Prime Minister to request a meeting of the COAG Murray-Darling Basin First Ministers to consider the Royal Commission Report and the recently released Productivity Commission Murray-Darling Basin Plan; Five-year assessment.

“My government is committed to implementing the full Murray-Darling Basin Plan and will demand every drop of the 3,200 gigalitres of environmental flow agreed by the Commonwealth and Basin States in 2012 be delivered.

“The health of the Murray-Darling Basin is critically important, particularly to the tens of thousands of South Australians who live and work along the River Murray.

“I note that when the Royal Commission was announced by the former state Labor government, South Australians were told the Commission’s focus would be investigating allegations of water theft in the Murray-Darling Basin.

“This was not by any means the focus of this inquiry.”

To date South Australians have paid $5.062 million to conduct the Murray-Darling Basin Royal Commission.

That figure will increase once final payments are made but is expected to remain well within the $8.5 million budget provided to the Commission.

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