An intimate flag-raising ceremony was held today at Nambour to commemorate NAIDOC Week 2020 (8-15 November) and its important theme, Always was, Always will be.
Sunshine Coast Council paid tribute to local Elders past and present during the ceremony.
Uncle Tais K’Reala Randanpi, Family Tribal Elder and Ambassador, carried out a Greetings to Country and traditional performers Gubbi Gubbi Dance and Zom Kolbe Kolbe (Torres Strait Islands) acknowledged the Traditional Custodians of the Sunshine Coast – the Kabi Kabi peoples and Jinibara peoples.
It comes as NAIDOC Week festivities were postponed in July due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Due to social distancing requirements, the flag-raising event was live streamed on council’s Facebook page to share the experience with our community.
Sunshine Coast Council Mayor Mark Jamieson said it was important for all residents to recognise and understand the rich history and continuing contribution to our community of our First Nations peoples.
“This year’s NAIDOC Week is about recognising that First Nations people have occupied and cared for this continent for more than 65,000 years and their connection with country is deeply enduring,” Mayor Jamieson said.
“I’m very pleased to see this year’s festivities are now able to take place and encourage everyone to pause and reflect on NAIDOC Week’s significance.
“Council’s Reconciliation Action Plan supports social and economic opportunities for the Traditional Custodians, the Kabi Kabi peoples and Jinibara peoples and the broader First Nations community on the Sunshine Coast.”
“This Plan is part of our ongoing commitment to working in partnership with and respecting, valuing and supporting the culture, aspirations and opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.”
Community Portfolio Councillor David Law said he was glad to see a variety of online workshops and library resources available for the community to enjoy.
“It’s important for people to come together and respect the past while uniting together for the future,” Cr Law said.
“Namba NAIDOC’s family event on Friday 13 November at Nambour Showgrounds is also a great opportunity for families to participate.”
Events include:
NAIDOC online workshops, Sunshine Coast NAIDOC Committee, 8-15 November. Includes: clap stick creations by Sara Moore (Ochre Bee); ancestors affirmation guiding your identity and connection to country by Tamika Sadler and Ben Thomson; artworks storytelling and NAIDOC Message by Aunty Hope O’Chin; Caloundra local stories by Lyndon Davis; song and story by Alister Bartholomew; sacred geometry by Gabrielle Quakawoot (Art of String Theory). Visit
Sunshine Coast Council Libraries presents NAIDOC Library Resources.
Adults: The 2020 NAIDOC theme asks us to reflect on the ways that First Nations culture, languages and knowledge plays a part in our past, present and future. Celebrate by reading about First Nations people with a great range of books, eBooks, audiobooks, movies and more.
Young adults: Songs are used for every occasion including seasons, myths and Dreamtime legends, songs of ancestors and for social gatherings. In NAIDOC week we celebrate some of the finest new and emerging First Nations musicians including Thelma Plum, Emily Wurramara and Baker Boy.
Children: In celebration and acknowledgement of NAIDOC Week 2020 Sunshine Coast Libraries has gathered resources on some truly remarkable sports people, artists, leaders and activists.
Find out about the history of Sunshine Coast’s First Nations Custodians and watch a series of videos at:
Nambour NAIDOC Family Event: “Always Was, Always Will Be… Family” Namba NAIDOC, Friday 13 November, Nambour Showgrounds, 3.30-7pm. Featuring jewellery making, bush tucker starter kits, rhymes with Ryan, Artie Beetson football clinic and more.