Cricket scored a boost in the City of Monash last week, with Monash Council opening two modern and upgraded cricket net facilities in Wheelers Hill and Oakleigh East in partnership with the Victorian Government.
Mulgrave Reserve in Wheelers Hill now includes a six-wicket natural turf table and four reoriented synthetic cricket practice nets. They sit alongside additional features such as netted enclosures, club storage, power supply for a bowling machine, and improved pavement access to the surrounding pavilion area.
The project received $750,000 in funding from the Victorian Government, with Council contributing approximately $106,000. It was officially opened on 27 February 2024.
The Oakleigh East sporting community also have their own impressive training facility at Princes Highway Reserve. Designed with retractable netting, the synthetic-surface multi-purpose cricket nets allow for easy access and flexibility. The space converts from wicket bays into a combined space that can be used for other sports played at the popular reserve, such as netball.
Officially opened on 29 February 2024, the Princes Highway Reserve nets received $100,000 of Victorian Government support and approximately $273,000 from Council.
Monash Mayor Cr Nicky Luo said: “These modern, accessible new facilities align with Council’s commitment to invest in high-quality infrastructure for local sport.”
“These facilities give young talent more opportunities to hone their skills in a premium training environment. Not only does local sport help promote healthy wellbeing, but it also helps build stronger communities, connecting people with each other over a shared passion.”
Council is also currently consulting on its Draft Monash Cricket Participation Plan to guide and support an active and inclusive cricket community in Monash.
The draft plan focuses on increasing participation opportunities, providing accessible and fit-for-purpose cricket infrastructure, and building sustainable clubs for the benefit of the Monash community.
Consultation closes on , with the final plan to be presented to Council in mid-2024.