Construction of a new footpath along Cowes Rhyll Road, between Thompson Avenue and Redwood Drive, will begin next week.
This $90,000 project is expected to take around four weeks to complete and is being delivered by Bass Coast Shire Council, as part of its Aspirational Pathways Program.
These works will involve the construction of a new shared concrete path, which will link with the existing footpath network and provide a safe pedestrian connection between Thompson Avenue, Our Lady Star of the Sea Primary School and Redwood Drive.
There may be some minor disruptions to pedestrians at the school crossing while works are being carried out. Council’s contractor and officers will aim to minimise these disruptions where possible, during school peak times.
For safety reasons, while under construction the pathway will be inaccessible to pedestrians and traffic/pedestrian management measures will be in place throughout the duration of the works.
These works may also involve the use of plant and machinery, including noisy works such as earthworks, saw cutting and use of trucks delivering concrete.
While the contractor will make every effort to minimise disruptions these works may, at times, present an inconvenience to the community and Council appreciates your patience during these times.