
New Addition to Lithgow’s Public Art

Lithgow Council

A bright and cheerful mural created by Wallerawang artist Elaine Butler has just been completed on the rear wall of the Lithgow Library and is a fabulous addition to Lithgow’s growing public art.

Elaine’s design titled “Share” conveys the joy of reading wherever you are and gives the Library’s original bland rear wall a sense of identity. Elaine and partner Alan have been working on the design since early January. Dodging the heat and summer storms, passers-by have been commenting on what a difference it makes to the location.

The mural was made possible by Maldhan Ngurr Ngurra Lithgow Transformation Hub who received a grant for public murals within the Lithgow area under the Australian Government’s Black Summer Bushfire Recovery program. In conjunction with Sharon Howard from Gang Gang Gallery, designs were proposed, and “Share” was chosen for its joyful message about books and reading. This theme fits well with the library and identifies the rear of the building making it easier for locals and visitors to find the library.

“We are very happy that the Library building was chosen as a location for the mural by the Transformation Hub. The design is eye catching and is filled with quirky elements that attract attention. It is visible from Mort Street as well as the various carparks in the area and continues the public art theme already established on the Lithgow Library building. It is just joyful,” said Mayor Maree Statham.

Keep an eye out for the next mural currently in the planning stages in the Lithgow area this year.

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