
New Declared Public Precinct in place for Fringe Festival

The ‘Adelaide Fringe Festival 2024’ Declared Public Precinct (DPP) will be in place for a 12-hour period from 6pm to 6am every night during the Fringe event, in addition to the DPP already established in the city-west area.

On 5 February 2024, the Attorney General approved an additional DPP for the Fringe Festival, running from Friday, 16 February and Sunday, 17 March 2024, as defined in the map below.

“Within the Declared Public Precinct, police powers will be extended during certain times,” Fringe event Police Commander Superintendent Scott Denny explained.

“South Australia Police (SAPOL) are able to perform a number of measures in the DPP, including conducting metal detector searches, drug searches, ordering people to leave or banning people from the vicinity.”

Declared area:

  • Northern boundary of North Terrace, from the eastern boundary of Pulteney Street, to Botanic Road.
  • Northern boundary of Botanic Road to Eastern boundary of Dequetteville Terrace.
  • Eastern boundary of Dequetteville Terrace to Southern boundary of Bartels Road.
  • Southern boundary of Bartels Road to Southern boundary of East Terrace.
  • Southern boundary of East Terrace to Southern boundary of Pirie Street.
  • Southern boundary of Pirie Street to Eastern boundary of Pulteney Street.
  • Eastern Boundary of Pulteney Street to Northern boundary of North Terrace.

Hours of Operation:

From 6pm Friday 16 February 2024 each day of the week until 6am on Monday 18 March 2024.

Declared Public Precincts provide authority to SAPOL to maintain public order and safety within the defined area and enable the following powers, by virtue of Section 66 of the Summary Offences Act 1953 (SA), to be exercised by police:

  • Conduct a metal detector search of a person and any property in their possession within a declared public precinct for the presence of weapons.
  • Carry out general drug detection in relation to any person present within a declared public precinct.
  • Order a person/group posing a risk to public order and safety to leave the declared public precinct.
  • Ban a person who commits an offence of a kind that may pose a risk to public order and safety or behaves in an offensive or disorderly manner within a declared public precinct.
  • Remove children from the declared public precinct who are in danger of physical harm or abuse, behaving in an offensive or disorderly manner or otherwise committing or about to commit an offence.

/Public Release. View in full .