Murray River Council have adopted a new draft Disability Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP); a guide to improving access and inclusion for people with disabilities.
Mayor, Cr Chris Bilkey said the draft plan covers the four-year period from 2022-2026.
“This draft plan covers the next four years and has been developed through discussions with reference groups and a good cross-section of the local community.”
“The plan itself explains the steps that Council, in conjunction with our broader community, will take to ensure everyone has access to services, facilities, events and information.”
“I’d certainly encourage people to take a look at the draft to ensure we can continue to meet the needs of everyone in our council area,” he said.
All NSW councils are required to develop a Disability Inclusion Plan, with updates every four years.
Council’s previous DIAP was developed in 2017 and covered the period to 2021.
Cr Bilkey said the process ensures all levels of government continue to make real change in the disability space.
“Disability inclusion action planning is a way that governments can work towards reducing and removing barriers for people with a disability and create a more accessible environment in the local area,” Cr Bilkey said.
The draft DIAP is now on display for public comment on council’s website.