MidCoast Council and its facilities will now play a greater role in supporting the visitor economy.
Manning Regional Art Gallery, MidCoast Libraries, Yalawanyi Ganya and The Manning Entertainment Centre will now be more involved in connecting visitors to information, advice and local knowledge.
It’s the first phase of a planned partnership with local operators and facilities to extend the reach of visitor services by taking information to where the visitors are. Visitors will have more locations where they can find out about the beautiful Barrington Coast.
“We’re excited to be working more closely with community groups and businesses to enhance our partnership network across the region in the coming months,” said Council’s Manager of Growth, Economic Development and Tourism, Deb Tuckerman.
The Council’s Destination Experience team are also there to provide information and support to visitors to the Manning region through the and based centres following the closure of the Taree Visitor Information Centre on 30 June. Visitors and locals can contact the centres seven days a week by phone, online live chat, email and social media or by visiting the Barrington Coast website.
The decision to close the Taree Visitor Information Centre was made at a MidCoast Council meeting in March after a review of visitor services showed most visitors to the area did not use the centre.
Council is also planning to enhance its role in delivering information to visitors in the Manning region by meeting visitors and community members at pop up stalls across the area at peak times and at places heavily frequented by visitors.
“We look forward to working together to deliver a better visitor experience as well as greater results for local businesses.”