The second week of Parliamentary sittings commences tomorrow with a full schedule on the agenda including the introduction of the Return to Work Bill 2020.
The Bill will reverse the changes introduced by the CLP in 2015 that disadvantaged workers.
The Bill aims to expand and improve the operation of the NT Workers Compensation Scheme through:
- Revising the definition of a worker;
- Recognising post-traumatic stress disorder as a disease for police, fire and emergency workers;
- Removing the cap on normal weekly earnings for payments made after 26 weeks of incapacity; and
- Reinstating coverage of workers for injury sustained while travelling to or from work.
The proposed changes are the result of consultation with stakeholders, including unions and emergency services.
The Territory Labor Government will speak to an Environment Statement highlighting the significant environmental protection measures this Government has achieved including:
- The delivery of a new Environment Protection Act;
- Developed a science-based draft Climate Change Response;
- Set a target of 50% renewable energy by 2030;
- Amended the Water Act;
- Reinstated the Strategic Aboriginal Water Reserves Policy; and
- Reinstated Water Advisory Committees.
Parliament will commence late on Wednesday 19 February at 11am due to the Bombing of Darwin Commemorations.
Legislation being debated this week:
- Residential Tenancies Bill 2019;
- Repeal of the Director General Bill 2019 (as part of changes to the Liquor Act 2019); and
- Marine Pollution Legislation Amendment Bill 2019.
As noted by the Leader of Government Business, Natasha Fyles:
“The Return to Work Bill will herald significant change to workers compensation in the Northern Territory.
“Looking after our workers is something the Territory Labor Government has always taken seriously and this legislation is evidence of that.
“The Return to Work Bill 2020 provides robust changes which will support Territory workers in their time of need.”