Planning Minister Rita Saffioti today released the revised State Planning Policy 5.4 road and rail noise, which aims to balance the needs of transport corridors with protecting the community from unreasonable amounts of noise.
The new policy will help develop better land use and development outcomes around major transport corridors, including METRONET and the McGowan Government’s social and affordable housing package that will be built around station precincts.
The review was overseen by the Western Australian Planning Commission and involved an extensive public consultation period, with 62 stakeholder submissions received.
The new policy balances the community’s need for amenity and quiet while also recognising the need for important freight and transit corridors.
It aims to ensure noise impacts are addressed as early as possible in the planning process and encourages best practice around noise mitigation design and construction standards.
The updated policy will apply broadly to new residential developments proposed within 300 metres of a specified transport corridor and to new or major upgrades of roads and railways.
In addition to simplifying the assessment and implementation process, the policy and associated guidelines will:
- Provide guidance on ‘quiet house’ design requirements such as building orientation, window glazing and insulation;
- Introduce mapping and trigger distances that demonstrate areas to which the policy applies;
- Prioritise strategic freight routes and ensure noise mitigation measures are suitable for the function of the route and the proposed or current land use; and
- Provide better guidance on the content and form of noise management plans.
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As stated by Planning Minister Rita Saffioti:
“The aim of this updated policy is to recognise the operational needs of our freight and transport corridors while also balancing the need for peace and quiet in our communities.
“This new policy will help both the State Government and local governments meet both of these objectives.
“It will also provide further clarity around the planning and delivery of major government infrastructure projects such as the delivery of METRONET.”