The Marine Waters website has been providing inspiration and learning for Western Australia’s Kindergarten to Year 12 students for ten years now and today Fisheries Minister Dave Kelly unveiled a fresh new look for the website after a major upgrade to engage more young people in citizen science.
Marine Waters packs a wealth of lessons, fact sheets, posters, videos and other resources that support teachers delivering marine education programs around the State.
Changes and additions have enhanced the site’s look, feel and accessibility. There is new and improved content and resources, which are available by subject and now by WA’s aquatic regions, as well as a new data collection feature enabling kids to become citizen scientists by uploading information they have gathered from marine environments across WA.
To ensure those who want to continue learning outside the classroom can continue to use the site, new activities and fact sheets have been developed for kids to conduct their own learning at home.
The website’s resources are a very popular part of the curriculum for WA schools and enhances students’ connection with the marine environment. The roll-out of the new site will be supported by professional learning workshops available to teachers, other educators and interested community groups.
See the exciting new Marine Waters website now at
As stated by Fisheries and Science Minister Dave Kelly:
“Ensuring we have sustainable, liveable communities is a priority for this government. Many of our communities across the State rely on marine environments to support the local economy and jobs.
“Giving our kids the opportunity to learn about our beautiful and unique marine environments, and most importantly, how to protect them is becoming increasingly important.
“I thank Woodside for their commitment to this valuable educational tool and for the $300,000 in sponsorship, which has enabled this major redevelopment of the Marine Waters website.
“It’s great to see the website now has a stronger regional focus, tailored to our State’s aquatic regions to showcase the Northern coast, Gascoyne region, West and South coasts and Indian Ocean Territories too.
“This site provides encouragement to students looking for a career in the expanding field of marine science and provides all students an understanding of how important it is to use and enjoy WA’s marine environment in a sustainable way.”