
New Wave of Investment to Improve Health Outcomes on Christmas Island

Australian Government funding will enable the latest modern medical imaging technology and allow doctors and nurses on Christmas Island (CI) to improve patient outcomes and deliver safer and better care.

Today I visited the CI hospital and viewed their new EPIQ Ultrasound scanning device, one of the most advanced scanners in the world. It replaces its predecessor model after almost ten years in service.

It is anticipated the new equipment, with ultra-high imaging resolution and advanced diagnostic software tools, will enable doctors to diagnose problems and disease earlier on island.

This includes implementing treatment sooner, and saving patients from having to seek diagnosis and treatment in Perth.

The new machine will enable improved musculoskeletal examinations and vascular imaging and has full cardiac capability. Local medical staff will use images from the new machine to consult with off island specialists and to assist establishment of telehealth services.

This latest investment brings the Indian Ocean Territories Health Service (IOTHS) ultrasound scanning service on CI up to date with those used within tertiary hospitals and private medical imaging practices across Western Australia (WA) and Australia.

The Australian Government continues to deliver high quality community services through the Indian Ocean Territories Administration (IOTA), including providing $17 million to fund the IOTHS in 2018-19.

Other recent investments in the IOTHS on CI include new laboratory equipment ($29,000), blood fridges ($19,000), bladder scanner ($10,000) as well as almost $100,000 in new dental equipment.

I am sure the community will be pleased to have these services available locally.

The Australian Government recognises community health and wellbeing is a high priority for the CI community as outlined in the .

Hon Nola Marino MP​

Assistant Minister for Regional Development and Territories

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