Among all our beautiful trees in Boroondara, more than 1,000 are registered as significant trees and receive extra protection under our local laws.
to remove, prune or do works near a significant tree so it’s a great idea to familiarise yourself with any significant trees in your area.
You can now easily . Use our new interactive map to search any address in Boroondara and quickly find significant trees near you.
Significant trees are recognised for their:
- impressive size
- age
- rarity
- ecological value
- cultural and historical significance.
It’s important we protect them, including preserving the area around the tree trunk known as the ‘Tree Protection Zone’. This protects the tree’s roots so that it remains healthy for current and future generations to enjoy.
You’ll find this radius and the protection zone area for each tree shown with a dotted green line on our significant trees map.
Nominate a significant tree
If you think another tree in your area might qualify, you can:
- check the criteria
- nominate a tree for recognition and protection on our website.
Our searchable map will show you if it’s already protected and you might just discover some other extraordinary trees near you.
Part of Transforming Boroondara, we’re improving our technology to share more valuable data and provide a better customer experience for you.