After going to the polls on 4 December for the 2021 Local Government Elections, Wollondilly residents can finally congratulate the successful local candidates following confirmation of the new Council by the NSW Electoral Office.
The new look Wollondilly Council will be made up of a balanced mix of experienced returning Councillors and fresh new faces, putting Wollondilly in a strong position to deal effectively with the many challenges ahead.
The elected Councillors include Hilton Gibbs, Judith Hannan, Blair Briggs and Beverly Spearpoint from the Shire’s North Ward along with Paul Rogers, Matthew Deeth, Suzy Brandstater and Michael Banasik from the East Ward. They will join the newly elected Mayor, Cr Matt Gould to form the Council.
The last election in 2016 resulted in a nine person Council with three Councillors from each ward. A referendum was passed to directly elect the Mayor and reduce the number of wards, so in 2021 Wollondilly moved to the two wards with four Councillors from each and the popularly elected Mayor.
Mayor Gould said, “I look forward to working with the newly formed Council, which brings a great mix of experience and new energy to the table. It’s particularly encouraging to see more women represented on our Council for this term.”
“This is an important time for the Wollondilly community, and I know that all the Councillors care about this Shire and will be eager to work together to make sure our area gets the resources it needs to become an even better place to live, work and visit.”
“I believe as a group of Councillors we share a common goal to address key priorities for the community such as roads and assets, as well as successfully managing the growth that is coming, whilst protecting our village lifestyle” he said.
The new Councillors will go through an induction process and will be publicly sworn in at a live-streamed meeting on 18 January, with the first Ordinary meeting of Council scheduled for 22 February 2022.