23-25 Kirksway Place, Battery Point
The Hobart City Council Planning Committee has approved a development application for partial demolition, alterations, new building for five multiple dwellings at 23-25 Kirksway Place, Battery Point, and adjacent road reserve.
This would include the construction of a new building across both lots containing five new dwellings, a roof garden on one side and a roof terrace on the other, and a 10-car space basement.
42, 46 and 48 Nicholas Drive, Sandy Bay
The Hobart City Council Planning Committee has approved a development application for 42, 46 and 48 Nicholas Drive, Sandy Bay, and adjacent council reserve (Bicentennial Park).
This would include an expansion to the kitchen, dining and lounge areas of the dwelling.
5 and 7 Joynton Street and 1A Honora Avenue, New Town
The Hobart City Council Planning Committee has refused a development application for two multiple dwellings (one existing, one new) and associated works for 5 and 7 Joynton Street and 1A Honora Avenue.
The application was refused due to the limited number of car parking spaces and unsafe vehicle access points.