
Nominations open for 2020 Australian Cotton Industry Awards

Nominations have opened for the 2020 Australian Cotton Industry Awards, which recognise excellence and high achievementthroughout the cotton supply chain.

Nominations for the Awards can be made by downloading an entry form from this website and following the instructions to s ubmit it.

Award nominations are open to both individuals and teams. Anyone in the industry can nominate themselves or others through thenomination form.

Cash prizes are on offer for the successful recipients of the 2020 Australian Cotton Industry Awards, which has five categories.

• Ba ye r Grower of the Year• AgriRisk High Achiever of the Year• ADAMA Chris Lehmann Trust Young Cotton Achiever of the Year• Cotton Seed Distributors Researcher of the Year• Incitec Pivot Fertilisers Service to Industry AwardCotton Australia CEO Adam Kay said the Awards provide a valuable opportunity to recognise Australian cotton’s high achievers andthe significant contributions made by people in the industry.

“The Australian Cotton Industry Awards are a highlight of the year as they recognise the hard work of all who make Australian cottonsuch a special part of our country’s agricultural story,” he said.

“Whether you’re a grower, a ginner, a product supplier, consultant, agronomist, or researcher, I strongly encourage you to nominate forthe Awards and recognise those who have made enormous efforts to better our industry and country.””I also want to acknowledge the support of the Awards program’s major sponsors for this year – Bayer, ADAMA, AgriRisk, Cotton SeedDistribu tors, and Incitec Pivot Fertilisers.”The 2019 Australian Cotton Industry Awards recipients were.

• Ba ye r Grower of the Year: Tom and Charm Arnott (Boggabilla, NSW)• AgriRisk High Achiever of the Year: Jamie Traill and Ashley Tunks (One Tree Agriculture, Warra, Queensland)• ADAMA Chris Lehmann Trust Young Cotton Achiever of the Year: Murray Connor (Australian Food and Fibre, Moree, NSW)• Cotton Seed Distributors Researcher of the Year: Dr Linda Smith (Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries)• Incit ec Pivot Fertiliser Service to Industry Award: Kieran O’KeeffeCharm Arnott, who won the 2019 Grower of the Year Award with Tom Arnott, said the Awards program was an excellent opportunity tobe involved in.

“To be the recipient of this award was a great honour especially given all the finalists had incredible businesses,” Charm said.

“The judging process looks at every part of your farming business. Our perspective is that it has been an excellent opportunity toshowcase our whole operation, and it g ives others the chance to see how we are fine-tuning our farming business. In turn, we havealso learnt from the other finalists, the judging panel and the broader cotton community.

“It has been tough in most cotton production regions this year, including for us in the Macintyre Valley. Farm productivity is much lowerthan usual but we would highly recommend everyone gets involved with this year’s Awards program.”Nominations for the Awards can be made by downloading an entry form from this website and following the instructions to submit it.

Nominations for the 2020 Australian Cotton Industry Awards close at 5pm on Friday 27th March 2020.

Awards recipients will be announced at a gala dinner on Thursday 6th August 2020, to be held in conjunction with the 2020 AustralianCotton Conference, at the Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre (4th August – 6th August).

Cotton Australia is the peak body for Australia’s cotton growers.

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