sets out a refreshed policy agenda that responds to contemporary issues and priorities specific to northern Australia.
The Action Plan outlines how the Australian Government is working with partners to capitalise on new and emerging industries while ensuring benefits are shared and the north’s communities and businesses build the prosperous, sustainable and liveable communities they want and need.
The Action Plan outlines 6 policy priority areas. They are:
1. Activating the northern economy
2. Infrastructure to unlock growth
3. A safe and secure north
4. Growing the northern Australia workforce
5. Livable, healthy and resilient communities
6. Protecting the north’s environment and cultural heritage
Central to all 6 priority areas is the commitment to work in partnership to advance First Nations outcomes, which is vital to the success of the northern Australia agenda.
The Action Plan has been informed by feedback received through significant engagement with hundreds of stakeholders providing their views on the priorities, opportunities and challenges for northern Australia.
It builds on the