The City of Perth Council met on Tuesday November 19. The following decisions were made:
New Markets are coming
Council last night approved a Riverfront Market Trial to begin in March next year and run for six weeks.
The markets will take place every Sunday morning from 16 March to 20 April at Barrack Square, a beautiful and sometimes underutilised space, with an emphasis on healthy living and eating.
The markets will capture the morning fitness community and provide a relaxing health and wellness-focused market that will transition into retail shopping in the city.
The style of market would target Sunday fitness enthusiasts, health-conscious families, local CBD and riverfront residents, fitness clubs and tourists.
Claisebrook Cove Boat Pen policy
The Allocation and Management of Boat Pens in Claisebrook policy has been adopted.
The City manages a total of 24 pens in the cove, for both recreational usage and shorter two-hour periods, as well as longer term use.
Residents of East Perth, the City of Perth and general City of Perth ratepayers are the first three groups given priority to use the pens.
Details of the policy are on P124.
Draft Planning Policies Approved
Council last night approved the draft Building Heights and Setbacks Local Planning Policy to be released for community feedback.
The draft policy provides objectives and provisions for building heights and setbacks, as well as sunlight access, for different areas in the city and can be viewed on P20.
The draft West End Heritage Area Local Planning Policy was also approved for community consultation.
The current King Street Heritage Area Design Guidelines extend along King Street from Hay Street to Wellington Street. The new. heritage area boundary also includes Queen Street, Murray Street to Wolf Lane and Wolf Lane.
The West End Heritage Area has cultural heritage significance and the draft policy can be viewed on P58.
Circle your calendars
The 2025 meeting calendar is out with details of Ordinary Council Meetings and Agenda Briefing Sessions – among others – listed for the entire year.
The full calendar is available .