TheNorthern Territory Environment Protection Authority (NT EPA) has completed theenvironmental impact assessment of KGLResources Limited Jervois Base Metal Project and concluded it canproceed in an environmentally acceptable manner providing the recommendationsmade in Assessment Report 90 are implemented.
TheAssessment Report 90 has been provided to the Northern Territory Minister forEnvironment and Natural Resources who will provide it to the Minister forPrimary Industry and Resources for consideration in developing conditions andapprovals under the Mining Management Act 2001.
KGL Resources Limited proposes to develop and operate the Jervois Base Metal Project onmineral leases on the Jervois and Lucy Creek pastoral stations, approximately270km north-east of Alice Springs and 18km north-east of Orrtipa-Thurra (Bonya)community.
Theproposed mine is a brownfield site previously mined for base metals (copper,lead and zinc) between 1929 and 1983. The proposal consists of a base metalsmine and includes a processing plant, a tailings storage facility, a watersupply borefield and pipeline, water dams and an accommodation village within adisturbance footprint of 402ha. The proposed mine life is 10 years.
NTEPA Chairman, Dr Paul Vogel, said the NT EPA identified potential significant impactsand risks associated with the extraction of groundwater; the control andmanagement of mining wastes; and early planning for rehabilitation and closureof the site. The NT EPA made 25 comprehensive recommendations to avoid andmitigate these.
Whilethere is potential for significant environmental impacts to develop over thelife of the project, the NT EPA considers that, subject to the implementationof all recommendations, the Proposal can be managed in a manner that is likelyto meet the NT EPAs objectives and avoid significant or unacceptable environmentalimpacts and risks, Dr Vogel said.
Implementationof robust monitoring programs and an appropriate adaptive management framework,will enable identification of changes in environmental conditions andmanagement to adapt and respond to these changes with appropriate mitigationand contingency measures.
Toobtain a copy of the assessment report please visit