Todaythe agency launched the NT Health Inclusion Strategy: Respecting people with diverse sexualities and genderidentities Plan of Actions 2019-2022.
Inthe Territory, diversity is part of our fundamental makeup. Inclusion has longbeen at the core of how we deliver services, Chief Executive CatherineStoddart said.
Throughthis initiative, at NT Health we will become more explicit in our servicedelivery and our workplaces in respecting, recognising, valuing, empowering andcelebrating sexuality and gender diverse people.
Thisstrategy follows work by NT Health supporting the health of transgender andpeople with intersex conditions in 2018, and outlines aims and actions toimprove our services and workplaces.
NTHealth is working towards achieving the following goals:
- Safe,high quality and inclusive services for sexuality and gender diverse people
- Connectedcare through innovative and sustainable service pathways
- Acapable, inclusive and diverse workforce
- Contemporaryand accountable systems, records and processes
- Engagedpartners leading positive change for sexuality and gender diverse people,families and communities.
Consultationon the strategy took place with staff, consumers and members of sexualityand gender diverse community.
Thiswork will become embedded as the way we deliver our services, support our staffand promote continuous improvement, Professor Stoddart said.
Thestrategy will be available online at