As stated by Superintendent Bruce Bird, Waikato District Commander:
Four youths have been arrested and Police are working to locate other offenders, after several incidents of commercial burglary in the Waikato District in the early hours of this morning.
Police responded to a report of a ram-raid style burglary in Sandwich Road, St Andrews reported at 1.53am, a burglary in Duke Street, Cambridge reported at 3.49am and a burglary in Sloane Street, Te Awamutu, reported at 4.42am.
At this time, it’s believed that the incidents in Cambridge and Te Awamutu are linked. Enquiries are ongoing to determine whether there are links to any other offending.
With regard to the incidents in Cambridge and Te Awamutu, four youths have been arrested and will be charged with burglary.
The youths fled the Sloane Street, Te Awamutu address in two vehicles and subsequently stole a vehicle from homeowners in Gillard Road, after one of their vehicles was disabled.
Road spikes were deployed and the stolen vehicle was spiked and brought to a stop, following which the offenders fled in foot. A Police dog team apprehended four youths in the Bader Street area.
It’s believed that shots were fired towards Police scene guards at the Bader Street address where the arrested youths were arrested, although this report is yet to be substantiated.
Police are providing support to the homeowners whose house was entered and car stolen. They are understandably shaken, and one has minor injuries.
Police enquiries are ongoing to locate other offenders involved in this incident, it’s believed that 10 youths were involved in the burglary.
Police understand that the incidents overnight have been alarming and unsettling to our community, and we are working hard to hold the offenders accountable.
The community have had enough, we’ve had enough, and we want people to be safe and feel safe.
We will be stepping up patrols in retail areas, tasking additional staff to the investigation effort and working with our partners to address the root causes of youth offending.
Youth offending is an all-of-community issue and it needs an all-of-community response. Police will continue to play our part, and we know that our partners are working hard to play their part.
If you have any information that could assist please contact Police on 105 or online at , using ‘Update My Report’ referencing event number P052987416.
Information can also be provided anonymously via Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.