Minister for Police and Minister for Corrective Services, the Honourable Mark Ryan MP, this afternoon joined Commissioner Ian Stewart in congratulating officers who were presented with appointment certificates in the commissioned officer ranks.
A commissioned rank in the QPS is Inspector and above.
This appointment is an important milestone in an officer’s career and comes after demonstrating a wide range of job functions in both operational and corporate areas of the Service.
Superintendent Peter Brewer and Josef Jaramazovic received their Certificates of Appointment along with eight Inspectors.
Commissioner Stewart said today’s presentation acknowledged the hard work, dedication and leadership these officers had demonstrated throughout their careers.
“Today we recognise the service, leadership and management of our officers in diverse postings and appointments across the vast state of Queensland,” Commissioner Stewart said.
“I congratulate these officers and look forward to their continued support in ensuring that our professional standards and ethical practices are maintained at the highest levels.”
Mr Mark Ryan, MP congratulated officers on their appointment to their respective commissioned rank and acknowledged their dedication and service to both the Queensland Police Service and the community they serve.
“The skills these officers possess highlight the courage, aptitude, boundless dedication and commitment, not only to their profession, but also to the people of Queensland.”
“I know that all the officers here today will continue to display the leadership, determination and enthusiasm that has been a hallmark of their service to the QPS and the community.” he said.
The following officers were appointed:
Superintendent Peter Brewer – Community Contact Command
Superintendent Peter Brewer has served in a variety of different roles, particularly in child protection. Superintendent Brewer was a Special Investigator to the Organised Crime Commission of Inquiry and assisted in reshaping the Queensland government approach and response to organised crime. In January 2019, Superintendent Brewer took up his current appointment as Superintendent of the Community Engagement Group.
Superintendent Josef Jaramazovic– Organisational Capability Command
Superintendent Josef Jaramazovic has enjoyed a vast policing career across many locations since graduating from the Academy in 1991. His career has crossed over into training and project management before enjoying the challenges of being the Officer in Charge of one of the largest stations in the state prior to being promoted to Commissioned Officer in 2011.
Inspector Mark Bradford – Policy & Performance
In February 2019, Inspector Mark Bradford was promoted to the rank of Inspector in the Policy and Performance Division. Inspector Bradford’s broad experience has seen him serve across a variety of diverse roles including leading a project in the lead up to the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games. The project was instrumental in ensuring that the Brisbane Region had the resources to maintain core service delivery, whilst supporting Gold Coast District during the games.
Inspector Stewart Day – Southern Region
Inspector Stewart Day joined the Queensland Police Service in 1994. Inspector Day’s broad experiences have seen him work in every police region in Queensland. In 2018, Inspector Day was promoted to the role of Inspector, Charleville Patrol Group, South West District which is responsible for operational management of an area larger than the state of Victoria.
Inspector Sean Edwards – Brisbane Region
Inspector Sean Edwards joined the Queensland Police Service in 1986, having spent the majority of his career within various units and squads as an investigator. Inspector Edwards was attached to the State Crime Command, Task Force Hydra and the Drug and Serious Crime Group targeting high risk outlaw motorcycle gang members and organised criminal drug networks. Inspector Edward’s newly appointed position is as the Operations Inspector, South Brisbane District, Brisbane Region.
Detective Inspector Mathew Kelly – Southern Region
Detective Inspector Mat Kelly commenced his new role at South West District Crime and Support Services Group in January 2019. The District covers over 34 per cent of the state and provides a diverse and challenging environment. Prior to this appointment, Detective Inspector Kelly was the inaugural Officer in Charge of the Gold Coast Rapid Action and Patrols group within the Gold Coast District, championing the delivery of a borderless, agile and flexible policing initiative.
Detective Inspector Larissa Miller – State Crime Command
Detective Inspector Larissa Miller was sworn into the Queensland Police Service in 1998 and has spent the majority of her career as a detective for the State Crime Command and Ethical Standards Command. Detective Inspector Miller’s last appointment was as Officer in Charge of Capalaba Police Station, leading 53 sworn and unsworn personnel. In December 2018, she was promoted to Detective Inspector, Organised Crime Gangs Group, Protracted Operations.
Inspector Ian Park – Legal Division
Inspector Ian Park commenced his appointment as a Commissioned Officer in Operational Legal Advice and Development, Prosecution Services, Legal Division in January 2019. Previously, Inspector Park was the Officer in Charge of Fortitude Valley Station for 18 months. During this time Inspector Park was a finalist in the Queensland Police Service Awards for Excellence for his work with Ridesafely4me – a road safety charity that he continues to co-direct in a voluntary capacity.
Detective Inspector Sonia Smith APM – Northern Region
Detective Inspector Sonia Smith joined the Queensland Police Service in 1992 and has served in the Far Northern Regional Drug Squad for the majority of her career. Detective Inspector Smith also worked as a Professional Practice Manager (PPM), for the Mount Isa District, Darling Downs District and most recently the Far North District. Detective Inspector Smith was awarded the Australian Police Medal in 2016 for her leadership and commitment to the mentoring of others in remote areas.