Students from Mullion Creek Public school are among the children taking part in ‘Operation Art’ project at the Orange Regional Gallery this week.
The gallery is running ‘Operation Art’ workshops this week and a teachers workshop on Friday.
CREATORS : Years 3 & 4 students from Mullion Creek Public School enjoy one of the Operation Art workshops hosted by the Orange Regional Gallery . Pictured (l. to r.) are Patrick Carr, William Whitely, Jayla Miller, Grace Lingier and Felicity Culverson.
Operation Art started 23 years ago as an initiative of The Children’s Hospital at Westmead in association with the Department of Education when it was determined that artworks by school students should become a part of The Children’s Hospital at Westmead’s art collection.
Each year schools in NSW are invited to create an artwork for children in hospital. They are then hung in an initial exhibition at the Art Gallery of NSW. Fifty works are selected and toured to regional galleries before being hung in The Children’s Hospital.
The tour of last year’s works are currently on display at Orange Health Service (12 April to 17 May 2019).