Operation Limit began on 7 February in an effort to ensure activities and gatherings abide by the current COVID-19 restrictions.
Since the beginning of Operation 1,667 businesses have been checked for compliance. Police continue to provide an educational approach, where possible, to continue to build community co-operation – but positive action will be taken where it is appropriate
Of those businesses checked, 83 premises were found to be non-compliant (4.98 per cent), most were given an educational approach but one business and four individuals were fined and seven businesses and 11 individuals were cautioned. Non-compliance has included businesses failing to have a COVID Safe Plan, no QR code, not meeting density requirements, no marshal or staff or patrons not wearing masks and stand up consumption.
The most non-compliant premises were in the Limestone Coast Local Service area with 26 businesses from 335 checks (7.7 per cent).
Operation Limit aims to engage and communicate with consumers and businesses to ensure continued usage of the QR Code ‘check in’ at businesses/activities, compliance with mask wearing (where applicable), density requirements and requirements seated food and beverage consumption.
Members of the public are encouraged to keep doing the right thing, to wear masks in shared indoor spaces and check in where required to and businesses must also ensure they have QR codes displayed or provide a secure hard copy check-in option and ensure (as far as possible) that customers and patrons are checking in.
Operation Limit will remain in effect until Sunday, 6 February 2022.
If you require further information you can call the SA COVID-19 Information Line on 1800 253 787 or go to the SA Health website at or