Officers have closed Operation Quebec Harrow which targeted drug use throughout Cloncurry and Mount Isa since August 2018.
The operation was carried out in two phases to disrupt the trafficking of dangerous drugs throughout the area.
Following a protracted investigation, police seized a vehicle in October this year which led to a around ten warrants being executed in late November.
A further 31 search warrants were executed around Mount Isa and Cloncurry over a two-day period earlier this week.
As a result of this operation, 79 people are now facing a total of 196 charges, including seven people charged with trafficking dangerous drugs.
Methylamphetamine with a street value of $320,000 was seized by police, as well as a quantity of cannabis, steroids and cash.
This operation was a cooperative effort between the Criminal Investigation Branches from Cloncurry and Mount Isa and the Major and Organised Crime Squads from Cloncurry and Townsville. They were assisted by officers from Charters Towers, Cairns and dog units from both the Queensland Police Service and Australian Border Force.
Detective Inspector Anne Vogler said Mount Isa is not immune to the increase in methylamphetamine and ice use which is being experienced across Queensland.
“Mount Isa and Cloncurry are small communities and I believe these types of operations have a large impact on reducing the number of dangerous drugs in these towns through the disruption of drug networks like these,” Detective Inspector Vogler said.
“The district will continue to run these types of operations to target the trafficking and supply of drugs and we urge members of the public to report any suspicious behaviour.”
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