At about 5:45pm on Saturday 16 May police attended at street in Whyalla Norrie after calls were made in regards to a large fight.
When they arrived at the street police located about 30-40 people.
At the time, these people were provided with education regarding the COVID-19 gathering restrictions and directions, specifically the Emergency Management (Gatherings No 2) (COVID-19) Direction 2020.
After the small crowd dispersed, police left the location.
At about 8:45pm on the same night, police attended an address on the same street due to a noise complaint.
On arrival they found a large group of people at the residence. The group consisted of adults and juveniles who stated they were at the premises celebrating a birthday.
Police were able to locate thirteen people at the premises who were each issued with a $1000 fine for breaking COVID-19 restrictions for gatherings of more than 10 people.
The thirteen people included seven women and six men, with ages ranging from 20-years-old to 67-years-old.
Gatherings of more than 10 persons are currently prohibited in South Australia and the total number of persons present in a gathering must not exceed one person per four square metres.
More information can be found on and the full Direction for gatherings can be found .
And frequently asked questions about gatherings can be found .