The Territory Labor Government is working for Territorianswith a solid schedule of legislation to be introduced and debated in Parliamentover the next two weeks.
We promised to create generational change, tackle theTerritorys alcohol problems and create jobs, and we are delivering.
The March sittingswill see the following bills before Parliament:
TheElectoral Legislation Amendment Bill 2018
TheHealth Services Amendment Bill 2018
TheCriminal Code Amendment Bill 2018
TheLiquor Amendment Bill 2018
The WaterLegislation Amendment Bill 2019
ThePetroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2018
We promised to build safer communities and we are deliveringwith strong new legislation to protect our emergency services workers (theCriminal Code Amendment Bill 2018) and increase Police and Liquor Commissionpowers (the Liquor Amendment Bill 2018).
The latter provides important reforms to help Policecrackdown on the secondary supply of alcohol, which causes so much harm in ourcommunity, and will empower the Liquor Commission to hold public hearings.
We are also delivering on our promise to take an evidence-basedapproach to hydraulic fracturing. The Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2018includes reforms needed to implement recommendations from the Pepper Enquiry.This will pave the way for exploration to begin and create jobs within a strongregulatory framework.
Quote from Leader ofGovernment Business, Natasha Fyles:
The Territory Labor Government continues to deliver on ourelection promise to create jobs, invest in our future and build stronger, safercommunities across the Territory.