Demolition works on the old Pedrina Park change rooms and public toilets will commence today Wednesday 24 November 2021 as part of the ongoing upgrade works to the site facilities.
Southern Grampians Shire Council Manager Community and Leisure Services Susannah Milne said the demolition works bring the new Inclusive Sports Hub Pavilion one step closer to opening for community use.
“The old toilet and change room amenities are set to be demolished starting today as part of the ongoing and extensive upgrades currently underway for our Pedrina Park precinct,” said Ms Milne. “These works bring us tantalisingly close to completing the Sports Hub facility for the community to enjoy.”
“There will be some asbestos removed from these buildings which will be undertaken by professionals so whilst public access to the site has been restricted since works began, temporary fencing has now also been installed around the old facilities as an added safety precaution whilst these important demolition works are completed.
“The demolition of these old surplus buildings is just another step forward in our Pedrina Park redevelopment and we look forward to opening the doors for our local sporting enthusiasts once the Sports Hub is finalised.
“The Inclusive Sports Hub Pavilion at Pedrina Park was identified as a priority in Council’s Recreation and Leisure Strategic Plan 2019-2029 and the Pedrina Park Master Plan. Once complete, the Sports Hub will allow for a multi-use sporting and community facility that will cater for diverse user groups and the wider community,” concluded Ms Milne.
Council received funding of $500,000 towards the project from Sports and Recreation Victoria’s Local Sports Infrastructure Fund and in September 2020, Council resolved to reallocate $825,206 from the 2020/21 budget to form a total budget of $1,325,206 (GST exclusive) to enable this project to be delivered.
Works are also currently continuing on the netball courts which were identified in the Pedrina Park Master Plan which includes court lighting, fencing and associated infrastructure to facilitate day time and night time utilisation.