Data from a study out of the University of Birmingham has strengthened the link between periodontal disease and chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cardiometabolic disease, and mental ill health.
Cross-examining the patient records of patients with a history of periodontal disease, split between those with gingivitis and those with periodontitis, and those without periodontal disease, the study, reported on by , sought “to establish how many patients with periodontal disease and how many patients without periodontal disease go on to develop cardiovascular disease, cardiometabolic disorders, autoimmune conditions and mental ill health, including depression, anxiety and serious mental illness, over an average of three years.”
The findings emphasised an already understood link between periodontal diseases and chronic diseases with co-author Dr Joht Singh Chandan, NIHR academic clinical lecturer in public health at the University of Birmingham’s Institute of Applied Health Research noting in a media release:
“Poor oral health is extremely common, both here in the UK and globally.” He added: “When oral ill health progresses, it can lead to a substantially reduced quality of life. However, until now, not much has been known about the association of poor oral health and many chronic diseases, particularly mental ill health.”
He further observed that with this link could presage a major public health issue in the offing given the prevalence of periodontal disease in the community with a potential resultant increase in chronic diseases.
Given the further documented confirmation of the link between periodontal and chronic diseases, the study highlights why preventative approaches for periodontal disease management matter so greatly with further noting that it shows “the need for improved communication between medical and dental staff in order to minimise the risk of developing ill health.”
For the full report in Dental Tribune, go to