- Advertising campaign to promote Perth to our interstate markets
- Discount hotel deals available through Expedia partnership
- Increasing visitation helps boost the economy and create jobs
Tourism WA will highlight Western Australia’s natural attractions and vibrant festival season, as part of an advertising campaign that will start this week to showcase Perth as the ideal summer destination to Melbourne and Sydney audiences.
The campaign’s message is ‘Summer is the Greatest Show in Perth’ and promotes the city’s weather, beaches, attractions, nightlife and seasonal events such as the Fringe World Festival and the Perth Festival among reasons to visit.
It encourages people to come to Perth during the summer months and is delivered in partnership with Expedia, with deals offering up to 20 per cent off Perth hotels available.
The campaign includes digital, television and billboard advertising and will run through November 2018.
It builds on the work of the Hotel Perth campaign which was rolled out earlier this year and aimed to change perceptions of Perth, positioning it as an exciting and affordable holiday option to Australia’s east coast market.
As noted by Tourism Minister Paul Papalia:
“Not only does Perth offer visitors picturesque beaches and fantastic weather, our city has undergone a transformation and is home to vibrant nightlife, an array of bar, restaurant and hotel options and a variety of events and attractions.
“This advertising campaign will build on the momentum of the Hotel Perth campaign to continue to promote our city as a desirable, affordable and quality holiday destination to an east coast audience.
“Campaigns such as this form part of Tourism WA’s Two-Year Action Plan to grow the number of the visitors to the State, to boost the economy and grow jobs.”