Hodgman Government Minister Jacquie Petrusma does not deserve to hold the Disability Services portfolio after proving today she is incapable of standing up for vulnerable people.
In one of the most inept performances in the State Parliament in recent history, Mrs Petrusma could not answer serious questions despite holding the disabilities portfolio for more than five years.
“The critical responsibility of looking after some of Tasmania’s most vulnerable people involves more than standing in the Parliament and reading prepared statements – statements that Mrs Petrusma herself clearly does not even understand,” Shadow Disabilities Minister Jo Siejka said.
“Today she was asked what services for Tasmanians with a disability would be slashed now that the Treasurer Mr Gutwein has made it clear there will be deep and serious cuts in this year’s budget.
“More than 90,000 Tasmanians with a disability do not qualify for the NDIS but Mrs Petrusma does not know what funding arrangements are in place for those who are not eligible.
“She has no answer for the more than 90,000 people whose only option for support is to rely on services funded by the Tasmanian Government.
“She does not know if Tasmania is ready or how Tasmania is being prepared for the important transition to the NDIS.
“Mrs Petrusma’s inept performance should be extremely concerning to the 18 disability organisations which the government has a responsibility to fund but whose funding will dry up at the end of this financial year.”
Jo Siejka MLC
Shadow Minister for Disabilities