Around 550 homes in Gloucester will be without water for several hours on Wednesday 6 October as MidCoast Council contractors undertake important pipework related to the Gloucester water upgrade.
The interruption is expected to extend from 9am to 3pm and will affect all properties supplied by the Cemetery Road reservoir.
Council’s Director of Infrastructure and Engineering Services, Rob Scott, said while it was the second interruption in as many months for Gloucester residents, it showed the upgrade is progressing nicely.
“The Gloucester Water Upgrade is moving forward on several fronts, with construction of the new reservoirs at Cemetery Road underway, close to half of the new main that will run from the water treatment plant to the Cemetery Road reservoir site complete, and upgrades to the reticulation network continuing,” said Mr Scott.
“We appreciate everyone’s patience during these interruptions and are looking forward to providing a vastly improved level of service to Gloucester residents once the upgrade is complete.”
The $21 million project will ensure consistent water quality and pressure is supplied throughout the Gloucester network and replace infrastructure that has deteriorated over time.
Work began in June, with the project expected to be completed by September 2022.
Customers who experience any issues as a result of Wednesday’s interruption are urged to contact Council’s Customer Service Team on 7955 7777.