Council’s Planning Committee has refused to grant a Planning Permit for the subdivision of 24 Patullos Road in Lara and construction of five, two-storey townhouses and the waiver of one visitor car space.
The total lot area is approximately 654 square metres, and the site currently houses a single dwelling and outbuilding.
The applicant proposed that each of the new dwellings would have two bedrooms and a common property accessway.
Six objections were received in response to the application, including about impacts to neighbourhood character and overshadowing. The applicant made changes to the plans however none of the objections were withdrawn.
At the same meeting, the Planning Committee decided to advocate to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) to refuse to grant a Planning Permit relating to 26-34 Sharland Road and 11 McHarry Court in Corio.
The applicant proposed the construction of 108 dwellings including 48 apartments and subdivision of land to create new reserves and an extension to the new public road.
A narrow strip of 11 McHarry Court between Connections Park West and McHarry Court and all of 26-34 Sharland Road were proposed for redevelopment.
Nine objections and one letter of support were received during consultation, raising issues such as the loss of mature trees and vegetation, the loss of access to the car park adjoining the Rosewall Community Centre and the loss of publicly accessible open space. No changes to the proposal were negotiated and no objections were withdrawn following a planning information meeting.
The City had been working with the applicant about the proposal’s density but a decision on the permit was not made within the statutory time period. As a result, the applicant appealed to VCAT.
The community can attend Planning Committee meetings at City Hall or view the livestream.
Councillor Jim Mason – Planning Committee Chair
The Planning Committee carefully considered both proposals.
We refused a Planning Permit to construct townhouses at 24 Patullos Road, Lara as the application didn’t appropriately meet neighbourhood character given the overall density proposed on the lot.
We also decided to advocate for VCAT to refuse a Planning Permit to construct 108 dwellings in Corio as the application proposes a significant over-development of the site, is not in keeping with the character and appearance of the area, and doesn’t integrate with nearby community facilities.