A total of 67 reserves managed by Kempsey Shire Council will be defined and categorised for the first time in a detailed plan, now on exhibition, that provides clarity for the community.
Council-managed Crown Land reserves are spread across the Shire, with the majority of the reserves located within Kempsey, Smithtown, Gladstone and our coastal villages. The reserves include a diverse network of parks, public recreation areas, community buildings, sports fields, Holiday Parks and natural areas which are significant from the local to the regional level.
The , which can be viewed on Council’s website, is required under changes in state legislation, under which any Crown Land managed by Council now requires a plan of management to guide future use and management of the land.
Peter Allen, Group Manager Commercial Business, emphasised that the purpose of this plan of management is to capture the current and anticipated future use of each reserve based on existing adopted and identified plans.
“The Plan of Management process is not undertaking new master plans or changing how areas are proposed to be used,” said Mr Allen.
“The draft plan contains generic information on Council’s approach to land management as well as site specific details, categorising the land and capturing the current and anticipated future use of each reserve based on existing plans, usage, lease arrangements and projects.”
Mr Allen noted that there has been particular public interest in the Cresent Head Reserve.
“The draft Plan of Management acknowledges the presence of the golf course within the Crescent Head reserve and the lease held by the Crescent Head Country Club. Once a Plan of Management has been adopted, Council will be able to consider lease applications on Council-managed Crown Land”.
Once the current exhibition period is complete, Council will review the submissions, and provide a summary of these to the NSW State Government for final review. It will then return to Council for final adoption.
Kempsey Council encourages interested members of the community to download and read the plan, and to have their say via: