MidCoast Council is progressing plans to replace Wingham’s Cedar Party Creek Bridge, with work expected to start at the end of 2022.
The two-year project is funded by a $19.5 million grant from the NSW Government’s “Fixing Country Bridges” program, to replace the aged existing bridge.
The new bridge will be elevated to meet or exceed the 100-year flood level, raising it to close to the Wynter and Combined Streets intersection.
Construction is expected to finish in April 2024.
“The construction phase will involve some major changes for traffic going into and out of Wingham as the project is undertaken,” said Council’s Director of Infrastructure and Engineering Services, Mr Rob Scott.
Once works start in late 2022, a temporary bypass will be in place during daylight hours across Cedar Party Creek and up beside the Wingham Pool.
Alternative routes will need to be used out of daylight hours.
Design work is currently underway, and tenders for construction will be called in the coming months.
“Council has also agreed to acquire some land parcels on each side of Wingham Road adjoining Cedar Party Creek and we are working with landowners to achieve this outcome,” said Mr Scott.
“These areas will be required for access, construction activities and to provide space for a traffic bypass during construction.”
This process will also involve the purchase of the land that is known as “Chrissy Gollan Park”, which has been in private ownership with an agreement for community use.
The park will be inaccessible during the bridge construction and some elements of the park will be reconfigured following the finalisation of the bridgeworks.
Some existing facilities within the park will be removed during construction and either replaced or renewed afterwards. When construction is completed, the park will be restored – with new plantings and town entry signage.
“We have been working with the Wingham Advancement Group, who maintains the area on behalf of the community. We want to retain the elements of the park that are most loved by the Wingham community,” said Mr Scott.
“We will be consulting with the community on what they want to see in the park during the bridge construction.”
“We will keep the community updated as we progress through this project.”
You can register to receive all updates on the project by following the page for the Cedar Party Creek project on the link above.