A further $2.4 million will be delivered by the NSW Government to support the sports sector as it emerges from COVID restrictions, to help increase participation across the state.
Minister for Sport Natalie Ward said the Organisation Support Program (OSP) is on top of the recently-announced $25 million Sport and Recreation Recovery and Community Rebuild Package.
“The COVID-19 lockdown has had a major impact on everyone’s lives, including our sport and recreation sector,” Mrs Ward said.
“We want to make sure all our sports lovers are getting back to doing what they love most across all codes, from cricket to football, netball to hockey, basketball to tennis.
“As restrictions ease, this funding package will help increase participation and improve community health and wellbeing at a time when it couldn’t be needed more.”
Ninety-four eligible State Sporting Organisations (SSOs) and State Sporting Organisations with a Disability (SSODs) will share in the ongoing funding package.
It will support the sector in holding competitions, activities and programs across NSW as it returns to full operation following the restrictions, and builds on the Sport and Recreation Recovery and Community Rebuild Package.
“The NSW Government’s comprehensive supports will ensure sports don’t just get back on the fields, courts and pitches but have sustained success into the future,” Mrs Ward said.