A Review of Environmental Factors (REF) for the sealing of Point Plomer Road was accepted at Tuesday’s Council meeting.
Specialist consultants, GHD, were engaged to provide the report which investigated potential environmental impacts as a result of sealing the road.
The report was placed on public exhibition between 1 July to 30 July 2020 and submissions received during the exhibition of the REF were reported to Council as part of the business paper.
As part of the review process, GHD undertook ecological investigations and engaged a specialist Aboriginal heritage consultant to identify any Aboriginal heritage sites and examine any effects on sites that may exist within the project area.
It was found that the sealing of the road would not have a significant effect on the environment or impact heritage sites and therefore does not require the preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement.
At Tuesday’s meeting, Councillors voted in support of the recommendations with regard to the REF and for the project to proceed to the next stage.
Kempsey Shire Council General Manager, Craig Milburn, said the issue of recognising and preserving sites of Aboriginal cultural significance was raised through the commissioning of advisors to the REF process and also by the community both in submissions and presentations to the public forum ahead of the Council meeting.
“A key action in Council’s Macleay Valley Economic Development and Tourism Strategy, adopted in 2019, is to work with stakeholders and agencies to facilitate the establishment of Indigenous business in the tourism sector, building on Indigenous cultural heritage,&rdq he said.
“Council recognises that the surrounding environment of Plomer Road is of high value and cultural significance for the Dunghutti people and the broader community.
“It was great to hear that the community would like to consider social enterprise opportunities in relation to these sites and we look forward to working with the community to further develop these ideas.”
After extensive consideration of the issue, Council resolved in 2018 to seal two gravel sections of Point Plomer Road to the north of Big Hill, totalling 6.2km in length.
The NSW Government has approved a grant for $2.88 million under the Regional Growth – Environment and Tourism Fund for the sealing works. This will enable Council to deliver the project at minimal cost to the community and to direct savings to other roadworks in the Shire.