On Wednesday 23 March 2022, a 32-year-old man has taken his partner’s Nissan Pulsar. About 9.15pm it is alleged police saw the vehicle travelling at speed northbound on Wanneroo Road near Church Street in Wanneroo with no lights.
It will be alleged the man who was driving the vehicle failed to stop when indicated to do so by police who had their emergency sirens and lights activated.
The vehicle continued travelling through the suburb of Wanneroo before crashing into a power police on Wanneroo Road near Hart Court in Wanneroo. The driver fled on foot and was apprehended by police a short distance away.
The 32-year-old man was conveyed to Joondalup Health Campus for treatment of injuries received in the crash.
The 32-year-old man from Bassendean has been charged with:-
• Driver of a Vehicle Vailed to Comply with a Direction to Stop (circumstance of aggravation);
• Reckless Driving to Escape Pursuit by Police;
• Driver Fail to Stop – Property Damage;
• No Authority to Drive (never held); and
• Breach of Protective Bail Conditions.
He is due to appear before the Joondalup Magistrates Court today, 24 March 2022 (possible bedside hearing).