
Politician and executive wage freeze

Leader of the Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party The Hon. Borsak MLC today, Wednesday 22 April 2020, said we find ourselves in extraordinary times, and the financial impacts resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic has touched every corner of our society.

“In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic we have witnessed widespread jobs losses and some experts are now suggesting unemployment could end up being as many as one-in-four Aussies relying on social security benefits, in one form or another,” Said Mr Borsak.

“In these extraordinary times we must take extraordinary measures. All of us must tighten our belts and help with the lifting.

“I am calling on the New South Wales Government to immediately implement a wage freeze for all our politicians, both tiers one and two government bureaucrats and all bands of senior executives of the state public sector. This wage freeze should remain in place for a period of 12 months, commencing July 1st.

“We as leaders and representatives of the New South Wales community must share this burden and lead by example.

“Many politicians and senior public executives benefit from a relatively reliable and substantial remuneration packages,” Said Mr Borsak.

Public Service senior executives receive a Total Remuneration Package (TRP), not a salary. Senior executives are ranked by bands. Bureaucrats are also classified by tiers.

“Even if it’s just in line with CPI, we as politicians cannot in all good conscience allow ourselves and our highly paid bureaucrats to accept any pay rise whilst the good people whom we represent and work for are financially on their knees.

“I’m sure politicians across the political spectrum would agree with me in taking this measure, and if they don’t then they’re simply unfit to represent or lead during this time of financial crisis.

“The Premier needs to make an executive decision, and I urge her to take my advice and implement this wage freeze, showing leadership and solidarity with the community of New South Wales.” Mr Borsak said.

/Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party Public Release. View in full .

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