The State Government has endorsed a revised Port of Port Hedland development plan to support proponents’ throughput aspirations and maximise exports from Australia’s busiest bulk export port.
The comprehensive review, undertaken by Pilbara Ports Authority, will enable the growth of iron ore exports to 660 million tonnes per annum (Mtpa), allowing port proponents to invest in landside infrastructure upgrades and advance their investment and growth strategies.
The amended port development plan facilitates:
- the development of an additional iron ore export berth, Stanley Point Berth 3;
- a future bulk liquids berth in South West Creek;
- the development of a second general cargo berth at Lumsden Point;
- increased capacity allocations of approximately 25 per cent for existing port proponents BHP, Fortescue Metals Group (FMG) and Roy Hill;
- new allocations for the future development of Stanley Point Berth 3 – which, subject to all necessary approvals to develop being obtained, would be allocated to the recently announced joint venture between Hancock Prospecting Pty Ltd and Mineral Resources Limited;
- a new FMG shiploader on Anderson Point Berth 5 to support exports from the Iron Bridge project.
The plan will also result in increased capacity at the common user berths within the Port, supporting growth in direct shipping to the Pilbara and increased exports by junior miners.
Extensive modelling was completed to inform the review and ensure the continued safe operation of the port.
Dredging will be undertaken to implement the plan – the requirements are based on international navigation guidelines and simulation studies conducted over the past 12 months, and are in accordance with existing environmental approvals.
Port proponents are being consulted on the key principles of the plan and formal documentation, including capacity allocations and development approvals, is expected to be finalised by mid-2022.
As stated by Ports Minister Rita Saffioti:
“This review commenced in 2020 and it is pleasing to reach this point.
“The Port of Port Hedland Plan was last reviewed in 2012, when it set a total throughput of 495Mtpa.
“We have well and truly exceeded this, with the port achieving a total annual throughput of 546Mt last financial year – of which 523 million tonnes were iron ore exports by port proponents.
“This in part was made possible by investing in world-leading maritime technologies to maximise port efficiency and safety, which has seen a 6.9 per cent increase in potential shipping capacity at Port Hedland.
“We have made changes that will create jobs and provide certainty to industry.
“This updated plan will contribute to dredging and future development at Lumsden Point.
“I look forward to the plan being finalised in the coming months, which will support the long-term growth of the Port of Port Hedland.”