
PPA welcomes PSA support for increased remuneration

Professional Pharmacists Australia (PPA) welcomes the Pharmaceutical Society Report ‘Pharmacists in 2023: Roles and Remuneration’. As the Union for employee pharmacists PPA has worked build the power and influence of employee pharmacists to begin to raise remuneration from the dire decline over the past decade.

Pharmacist members have been fighting to raise pay through the PPA work value case and enterprise bargaining agreements. Through three years of community campaigning, pharmacist evidence at the Fair Work Commission and legal arguments PPA members have increased Pharmacy Industry Award pay by 22%.

The PPA Community Pharmacists Employment & Remuneration Report 2018 established that:

  • Pharmacists covered by an enterprise bargaining agreement reported the highest rates of pay. They also had the most positive feeling about their employment conditions relative to the award
  • Less than half of community pharmacists reported receiving a pay rise in the last 12 months, and for 40% of those that had, it was required under the award.
  • Gradual decline in community pharmacist rates of pay finally reversing, with average growth of between 0.4% and 2.5% depending on a pharmacist’s classification.

PPA developed a career classification structure that we have shared with the PSA which has helpfully been incorporated into their report. PPA members will continue to fight for all employee pharmacists to raise pay and strengthen career progression.

PSA Report Quotes:

“There are positive signs however that remuneration is improving. A recent decision of the Fair Work Commission recognised a substantive increase in the work value of community pharmacists has occurred since 1998 when work value was last reviewed. These decisions specifically recognised, among other factors, an increased complexity, accountability and responsibility of community pharmacists’ role over the past two decades.”

As stated by PPA President Geoff March

“We welcome the contribution of the PSA to refining roles and future remuneration levels and encourage them to add the first most vital action to their list of 11 actions – join your union PPA to fight for higher pay.”

“We have discussed possible industry classification structures with the PSA and will continue to work collaboratively on pay and career progression.”

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