Department of Health
A Precautionary Advice for Drinking Water (Boil Water Alert) was issued today for the Bulla community, following advice thatthe water disinfection system is not functioning properly which could impact onthe quality of the drinking water supply at Bulla.
Power and Water is investigating the problem and isundertaking works to ensure that the water supply will be safe to drink as soonas possible.
In the meantime as a precautionary measure, theDepartment of Health recommends that water for drinking, food preparation andoral hygiene be obtained from either packaged bottled water or by boiling tapwater and allowing to cool prior to use.
The Department of Health will lift the PrecautionaryAdvice for Drinking Water (Boil Water Alert) once Power and Water confirms when the Bulla watersupply is safe to drink.
Anyone who has concerns can contact thedepartments Environmental Health hotline during business hours on toll free1800 095 646.