Mayor’s Statement: Preliminary flight paths for Western Sydney Airport
Blacktown City Council holds significant concerns for the impact of flight paths on residents in our City.
The protection of residents from noise is a concern I take very seriously. This is particularly significant, given that Western Sydney Airport will operate without a night time curfew on flight movements.
Council has been promised an official briefing and we will seek to fully understand the impact on the City of Blacktown and it’s 415,000 residents.
I am concerned that the 415,000 residents in Blacktown City will only be offered one public consultation meeting to allow them to engage with the process of determining flight paths.
There must be enough consultation to allow residents to fully understand the negative impacts of aircraft noise on them and to understand the mitigations the Commonwealth proposes.
Council remains concerned that, as the Airport grows, so will the adverse impacts, from which our residents must be protected.